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Gina's Wolf (Daughters of the Wolf Clan Book 3) Page 10

  Take it slow, he told himself. You have all night to love your mate. It took all of his self-control to reach a hand to the top button of her dress. His fingers shook the slightest bit and he had to swallow hard to speak. “Can I take this off?”


  Somehow seeing the tremor in Cole’s fingers eased a little of Gina’s nerves. She wanted to be with him in every possible way, but she was uncertain of what to do. Seeing Cole’s fingers tremble made her feel like maybe he was a little nervous too. She had some idea of what went where during sex, but no practical experience. It didn’t take experience to know that clothing wouldn’t be needed, though.

  “I can do it.”

  She turned away and unbuttoned the dress. Making herself move briskly, she slid it off, then pulled the slip over her head. After folding the and putting the on the chair by the door, she hesitated briefly while wondering what to take off next, her bra or panties or shoes and stockings. Cole took the question out of her hands. She felt his warmth against her back, and then his fingers brushed against her spine and her bra slipped free. She caught it against her for a second, but Cole smoothed his hands over her shoulders and down to her breasts, cupping them. The feel of his palms against her bare skin made her breath quicken. Her nipples stiffened as if a cold wind had passed over her, but she was hot, not cold. The bra dropped to the floor, forgotten.

  Cole kissed the side of her neck, and then nibbled her earlobe, all while squeezing her breasts and slightly pinching her nipples. Heat shot to the place between her legs. She had felt that same heat before, when she has woken up in bed with Cole and they had kissed … Good heavens! That had been just this morning!

  “Turn,” Cole commanded.

  She obeyed. He kept his gaze on hers while he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties. He raised his eyebrows in inquiry and she nodded. He pulled her panties down slowly. When she wiggled to help get them over her hips he groaned.

  “Honey, I’m trying really hard to go slow. That’s not helping.”

  “Sorry,” she squeaked.

  He smiled and shook his head, and dropped to one knee. He looked like a living sculpture crouched before her, almost too perfect to be real. She followed the muscles in his back with her eyes. Each flowed in perfect symmetry into the next from his broad shoulders to his narrow waist to the taut globes of his butt. She had to put a hand on his shoulder to keep her balance as she stepped out of her panties. The play of muscle under her fingers was fascinating.

  Cole took her shoes off and unrolled her stockings one at a time. When she was completely naked he stood up and examined her. Gina fought an urge to hide herself. His body was a work of art. Hers was … not. Built on spare, straight lines, she didn’t have lush breasts and hips separated by a tiny waist. Not that Cole seemed to mind. He was staring at her as if she was the most beautiful and desirable woman on earth. She had seen him naked before, a brief glimpse from the back in the Clarksons’ house, but now she feasted her eyes on all of him. He was beautifully made and she enjoyed the view of his chest and belly, but what really caught her attention was his penis. That was supposed to fit inside her?

  Cole closed in on her and moved her backward until her knees hit the bed. He tossed her lightly on the quilt covered mattress and came down on top of her. He propped himself on one elbow and stared down at her. With one hand he stroked her breast, molding and plumping it until she ached with desire she barely understood.

  “Kiss me, mate,” Cole whispered.

  “I can’t reach you,” she whispered back. “You have to come down here to me.”

  He obliged her. She loved kissing him. If she hadn’t needed to breathe, she would have gone on kissing him all night. But there was more to lovemaking than just kissing, and the feel of his penis pressing into her thigh made her want much more than kissing. She opened her legs. His weight shifted, and that place between her thighs flared red hot with need.

  When he lifted his head sweat gleamed on his forehead. “Did your mom tell you about what happens next?”

  “Yes.” It was been one of the shortest and most mystifying conversations she had ever had with her mother, and she had focused on just one part. “She said that making love with the right man would be wonderful.”

  His voice came out hoarse. “I want it to be wonderful for you. My dad told me lots about how to make my mate happy. I can’t remember all of it right now, but I remember this.”

  He lifted off her and one of his hands went to that place between her legs. It was almost embarrassing to have him touching her in such a private place, but exciting too. His finger pushing inside her didn’t douse the heat there, but somehow made it hotter. His finger moved in and out several times before moving up her slit. He touched a place that made her quiver. She made a little noise of amazement and he touched it again in a tight circling pattern with the most exquisite pressure.

  “This is your clit,” he whispered. “Dad told me my mate would love it when I do this. Do you like it?”

  “Yes,” she gasped. “It feels amazing. Oh, don’t stop.”

  He didn’t. She wasn’t sure how long he played with her clit; she was lost in the sensations he created. Pressure built inside her until something like an explosion forced a high thin scream from her. She was a boneless puddle, panting while he grinned at her.

  “I liked that,” he declared.

  “Me, too,” she said weakly.

  He chortled, obviously very pleased with himself. She glanced down his body and saw that he was still hard. He followed her gaze and something in his face sharpened. “Are you ready for the next part?”

  “Yes.” She opened her legs again and he didn’t ask for another invitation. In a moment he was on top of her, his penis nudging at the opening of her body. He paused long enough o duck his head and kiss her lips. “I love you,” he whispered, and pushed partway inside her.

  Gina stiffened at the burning sting between her legs. “Cole,” she said, but his second thrust, pushing all the way in, cut her off. She tried to relax. She really did. But the sting turned into an ache that brought tears to her eyes. Cole didn’t seem to notice. He moved in and out at an increasing pace, growling all the while. After a minute, the pain eased. A hint, just a shadow, of her earlier pleasure budded, but he stiffened with a loud howl and collapsed on top of her before it fully blossomed.

  He lay still except for panting for a long minute before he pushed himself up. The sting of his penis sliding out of her made her wince. He looked down at her with a big smile that died instantly into horror.

  “You’re crying? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he cried.


  Cole watched his mate firm her trembling lips.

  “It’s okay,” she said. “I’m okay.”

  Shame crashed over him. In his eagerness he hadn’t been gentle with her. His father had told him that a woman’s first time could be painful, but he had been too selfish to take care of her.

  “I’m sorry, Gina. I’m so sorry.” He used his thumb to wipe the tears away. “I should have been gentler. I’m so sorry.”

  She sniffled. “It’s okay. It didn’t hurt that bad.”

  Fresh self-contempt stung him. He’d made his precious mate cry. “I hurt you. My dad said it would hurt the first time, but I didn’t think it would hurt that bad. I am so sorry. I should have been more careful.”

  She touched his face with a brave smile. “It is okay. It won’t hurt again, right?”

  “No.” He was resolved. “I will always be more careful from now on.”

  “Cole, I loved what you did at first. With my clit. Can we do that again?” She shifted her hips gingerly. “Not right now. But tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, I loved doing that to you.”

  She shifted again, and the blood he saw on her thighs sent a knife through his heart. “I’m going to get a washcloth to clean you up.”

  “You should put something on before you leave our room,” his mate teased.

bsp; He flashed her a smile and slipped on a pair of loose pants. He found a pitcher of cool water and a cloth on a tray outside their door. His mom must have left it. He brought the tray back to the bed and put it on the bedside table. He tenderly wiped her blood and his seed from his mate’s flesh.

  “How is it now?” he asked anxiously.

  She smiled and pressed a light kiss to his lips. “It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  He saw her shiver and tossed the cloth aside. “Are you cold?”

  “A little. Could you get my nightie from the bureau?”

  He could keep her warmer than a piece of cloth, but he went to get the nightgown. She slipped it on and lifted the bed covers to get in. She lay on her back with the quilt pulled up beneath her chin. He watched her, not sure if she would welcome him beside her after he’d made her cry. His fear was a noose around his neck, making breathing hard. She watched him back for a few minutes, a crease growing between her eyebrows.

  “Aren‘t you coming to bed, Cole?”

  The noose around his throat loosened. “Yeah, honey.”

  He slipped the pants off and slid into the bed. He hesitated a moment, then turned on his side and put his arm over her waist. “Is it okay if I hold you?”

  “Yes.” She turned so her back was against his front. “How is this?”

  His arm, which she was using for a pillow, would surely go numb soon but he didn’t care. He put his nose into her hair and inhaled her intoxicating scent. “Perfect.”

  “It feels strange to go to bed so early,” she remarked, her voice sounding drowsily relaxed. “But I’m tired.”

  The light in the room was dimming. “It’s been a long day,” he agreed. He thought of waking up in the same bed with his mate this morning, the meeting with the Kansas-Missourians, the wedding, and making love to his mate for the first time. “A lot has happened.”

  “A lot of it has been good. Like Ray waking up. And us getting married.”

  He kissed the back of her neck. “Yeah, that’s been good.”

  She yawned. “And making love. Next time will be better, right?”

  “Yeah.” It would because he would make sure of it. Suddenly feeling exhausted, he yawned too. “I’ll make sure next time is wonderful for you. I promise.”

  She patted the arm he’d draped over her waist. “I believe you. Good night.”

  He felt sleep pull at him. “Good night, honey,” he mumbled. “Love you.”

  Chapter Ten

  Gina thought the next three days of their honeymoon were the best of her whole life. The weather was cold and wet. The sound of sleet hitting the bedroom window and the wind whistling around the house made her glad to be able to stay indoors. It was warm and cozy in their room. Her mother-in-law delivered their meals to their door so they didn’t leave except to use the bathroom. The days were lazy and full of quiet conversations and kisses that turned hot. The nights were full of lovemaking and snuggles and more conversations. True to his word, Cole had been exquisitely attentive to her pleasure and lovemaking was now one of her very favorite activities.

  Cole did tend to be bossy even in bed, but also tender. Best of all, he listened to her talk with great attention, and didn’t interrupt her when she spoke. He really listened to what she had to say. That attention and courtesy was a new thing for her. Major Ellis rarely let her finish a sentence. Jon and Tanner had barely let her speak at all. The protective walls she had built around her heart had begun to thin.

  The fourth morning after their wedding dawned clear and sunny. Gina lay with her cheek on Cole’s shoulder, watching the light grow bright against the closed drapes, while he combed his fingers through her hair. Both were still breathing hard from the last set of orgasms.

  “Was it good for you?” Cole asked.

  The anxious note in his voice made her smile. “Better than good.”

  He relaxed. “I’m sorry about that first night.”

  “I know.” She touched finger to his lips. “You’ve said so about twenty times. It’s fine.”

  Cole slid his shoulder back so he could look into her eyes. “My dad told me the first time would hurt my mate, but I didn’t expect you to cry.”

  She sighed. “It hurt the first time. It always hurts the first time, right? I just wasn’t ready for it.”

  “I know.”

  His anguish loosened her muscles. “And it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  She had grown to love lovemaking. She loved the gentle way he held her after sex, like now. And even that first time, when the burning pain made her squirm and cry, was a million times better with Cole than it would have been with Ellis or the Allersens. She opened her mouth to tell him so but stopped. None of those men had any business being mentioned in this room. This was a special, private place for only her and Cole. She kissed her husband’s chin instead.

  “Any pain was worth it,” she told him firmly.

  He framed her face with one big hand and kissed her back, a long, slow kiss. “I love you.”

  She returned his kiss. “I suppose our honeymoon is over now.”

  “It is.” Regret deepened his voice. “Time to re-join the world and find out what is going on in Omaha.”

  They made it downstairs in time for breakfast. The table in the private dining room was meant to seat eight. Gina counted rapidly and came up with twenty-one men either sitting at the table or standing against the wall. Three women were also at the table: Carla, Rose, and Ms. Mary. The men standing were holding a plate in one hand and a fork in the other. They didn’t all look alike, but Gina was sure they were all related. Whether they were tall or short, blond or black-haired, they all had the same lean body type and moved with feral grace, so she knew they were more of Cole’s family. When all eyes turned her way, she stood tall and looked calmly back at them. Some of them sniffed audibly and then smiled widely.

  Gina wondered if she smelled bad. No, she and Cole had washed thoroughly this morning.

  After a second, one of the men set his plate on the table and pushed his way to them. He was probably in his teens, and handsome. He was well over six feet tall, with broad bony shoulders that he hadn’t fully grown into yet. His hair hung in a heavy sheet of light brown to his waist, and his eyes were a shade of hazel between gold and green. In spite of the difference in their coloring, he looked just like Cole.

  “This is my new sister?” he said in a quiet, deep bass.

  “Gina,” Cole said proudly.

  The younger man smiled at her, increasing his resemblance to Cole. “Man, my brother is the luckiest guy in the world. I’m Wolf’s Howl. Can I give you a hug?”

  She nodded wordlessly and was scooped right off her feet in a tight hug. When he set her down, she laughed in delight.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Wolf’s Howl,” she said. “Thanks for the warm welcome.”

  Cole waved two of the seated men away from the table where Wolf’s Howl had been eating and steered her to one of the vacated chairs. Wolf’s Howl went into the kitchen and came back with two plates loaded with breakfast. He set the plates on the table in front of her and Cole and sat on her other side where his own breakfast waited. Cole tucked into ham and eggs as if he hadn’t eaten for a week. Gina knew she couldn’t possibly eat all the food Wolfs Howl had brought her, but she did manage to eat quite a bit in only a few minutes, even though she was uncomfortably aware of how many men were staring at her. Not that they were rude, probably only curious about her.

  Suddenly, nearly every head in the room cocked as if listening to something. Gina turned to Cole. “What?” she began.

  He cut her off with a grim shake of his head. “Gunfire. It’s coming from the direction of the city gates.” He stood up and took a step toward the door

  “Oh, no,” she breathed, abandoning her breakfast to stand and catch Cole’s arm.

  Wolf’s Howl seemed unconcerned, even excited. “It’s started! Finally. Those morons from Kansas-Missouri took forever to get here.”

bsp; Taye Wolfe came into the room. “Raven, Howling Wolf, White Horse, get to the hospital and bring Patia back here. Stone, Sand, Colby, with me. Sky, lead the defense here.”

  Cole bent to give her a quick kiss, and she watched with her heart in her throat as he followed his dad out. Sky took her mind off her husband’s departure by putting a hand on her shoulder.

  “Do you know how to use a knife?” he asked.

  Gina stared. “A knife? Like, for cutting my meat?”

  “No,” he replied with a smile. “I mean for gutting a man.”

  She took an involuntary step back. “No.”

  “You will,” he said cheerfully, and produced a knife in a slender sheath from behind his back. He beckoned to his wife. “Rose, take this and work with Gina so she is comfortable with a blade.” He gave his wife the knife and a casual kiss and turned away, calling directions to the men in the room.

  Rose seemed to take in Gina’s shock because she patted her shoulder. “Is using a knife scary for you?”

  Gina considered. “I guess it is. I’ve always had guards to protect me.”

  “We won’t be unprotected, but all of the Pack and Clan women have learned to defend themselves. It makes our men feel better to know that we aren’t easy prey. Come out to the back yard with me and we’ll start.”

  Carla met them in the mudroom. “I’ll come with you. There isn’t anything for me to do, and just standing around gives me too much time to worry.”

  The three women went out to a cement patio. After they took a few minutes to sweep away the winter debris of fallen twigs and dead leaves, Rose gestured for Gina to stand by the door while she and Carla went to the center of the patio. “Watch us first to get an idea of how to hold your knife.”

  Holding the knife in its leather sheath, Gina watched the other two women go through some kind of drill. The ease with which her mother-in-law handled a knife was beautiful to watch. Maybe a little scary too. Should a woman who must be close to sixty be able to move with such deadly grace? Both Carla and Rose seemed totally comfortable with the weapon. Gina watched, enthralled, for ten minutes before they sheathed their knives and came back to her. They showed her the special sheaths sewn into the inside of their jeans. The knives sat at a slant along the back waistband so they would be easy to grasp and not extend so far down that the women couldn’t sit.